+38 0 99 089 73 83

Always in touch!

For your convenience, it is possible to calculate the cost of transfer and / or make a rental car reservation. The data in the column "Calculate" is approximate, and presents an idea of future travel cost. The real value may be higher / lower depending on the details of transportation.
The estimated distance from Ivano-Frankivsk to other cities:
  • Bukovel — 105км
  • Kolomyia — 65км
  • Kosiv — 95км
  • Lviv — 140км
  • Ternopil — 145км
  • Chernivtsi — 140км
  • Yablunytsa — 100км
  • Yaremche — 65км

Number of passengers:



make a reservation:

* First Name:

* Phone number


* Number of passengers:

* Pick-up city:


* Drop-off city:

Additional information:



© Grono, 2011-2012
While using material from the Grono transfer site, it is obligatory to refer to it.